All contents on this platform are expressions of the person, Nelson Vincent Ayomitunde and should be treated as subject to Copyright law provisions of the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. If there must be a reproduction or a copy, appropriate referencing should be made with a link back to the copied content.

All content in this case includes (but is not limited to) text, images, videos, and all related digital media files acceptable on the internet. For every external content used (such as images), due referencing is made. All imported content is registered under the Creative Common License and it is admitted that before use, an appropriate obtainable process was involved.

Audience Details are not collected for inappropriate use or sale. The only use of audience details is as regards email subscriptions, newsletters or promotions and comments on the website.  I may however use cookies to manage your experience on this platform and not to exploit or harm you in any way. Asides these, your details are not stored by me.

As regards Payments for any of my products and services, Paystack, a secured payment processing gateway handles all card details as received on a PCIDSS security portal. Kindly read about that here.

If you have any questions as regards this Policy, do send a message here